If you've ever been inside Hope House, you know that there's not a lot of room. Hope House really is a house: clients shop for baby clothes in what was the family room, volunteers hand out hygiene and food items from the kitchen, Emergency Assistance helps clients problem solve financial issues from what could have been a child's room, just to describe a few.
Hope House doesn't have a whole lot of storage space—in fact, all incoming donations are stored in a utility closet until volunteers sort them and put them out for clients. We like it this way. We believe that our donations are for our clients and keeping them in storage rarely achieves anything more than making donations smell musty.
But there comes a time in every organization when physical growth is a necessity. Serving over 12,000 clients a year, Hope House was in dire need of more space to store such vital necessities as diapers, canned foods, and hygiene items purchased in bulk. The Medina Foundations gift of a new, top-of-the-line, sturdy storage shed, came as a true God-send.
Already the storage shed sees as much use as anyone could expect of it. In November of 2009, the Assumption School Human Food Chain filled it to the brim with canned foods, and Praise 106.5's much-needed donation of diapers took up even the highest level of shelving. Although Praise's diapers were all given out within a few weeks, and Assumption School's food supplies are going quick, Hope House could not have accommodated these expanded projects if it were not for the vital space the storage shed provides.
It is practical gifts like the storage shed that are helping Hope House reach more and more members of the community with emergency basic needs services when they are most needed.
The Hope House thanks the Medina Foundation for the gift of realized potential. ♥
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