Monday, April 12, 2010


As most people know, receiving from others can be difficult, particularly for men. The younger they are, the harder it is! So one rainy morning, as I looked across my desk at a young man who was obviously uncomfortable and slightly humiliated at being here asking for help, I tried to remember just how much this meant to him. His clothing was worn, his shoes looked almost gone, and, to be frank, he just looked disheveled and messy. His attitude wasn’t much better. He spoke softly, looking down for the most part, only raising his head once in awhile to give me a defiant look, as if he was daring me to pass judgment.

His story was not unfamiliar to me; I actually hear it all the time. He was recently out of rehab and living in a clean and sober house, trying to get his life back on track. Clean, fitting clothing and personal hygiene items go a long way in helping people feel like they have a chance at a fresh start, so I am always particularly thrilled to offer those just out of rehab or even just out of jail or prison the chance to take a breath and feel better about themselves.

So I didn’t take it personally when he was short with his answers to my questions. What made his story so much more interesting was the small question he asked quietly at the end of his interview—“I have my little boy with me some weekends, can I get something for him as well?” he asked. Of course, my answer was sure and the addition of his son to his intake form—after all, he was his family, right? This response provided me with a direct look bordering on friendly. At this point, that still, small voice in my head—yes, it is the Holy Spirit!—nudged my brain into action.

“Do you see your son every weekend?” I asked him, and he replied that it was every other weekend. At that point I asked him if he would like a brand new toy to take and give to his son on their next visit. Now, this is the reason the Holy Spirit talks to me (besides the fact that I try to listen!)—this somber and somewhat sullen young man suddenly let loose with a smile that lit up the room, followed by tears that someone would think to offer this chance to him.

At Hope House, we often have leftover brand new toys after Christmas, and this year, Toys for Tots was kind enough to donate many of their leftover new toys to us. During the year, we use these new toys for our clients to give to their children when they have a birthday coming up and the parents have no money for gifts. Another example of the generosity of our donors touching the lives of our clients. Giving and receiving are two points on the same continuum—and sometimes they are closer than you think!

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