Monday, May 21, 2012

Rest in Peace, Don

It is with great sadness that I tell you all of the loss of another valued volunteer from Hope House. Don Anderson was confined to a wheelchair after 2 strokes left him partially paralyzed and with limited speech abilities. Don’s mind, however, was wonderfully active and curious and he loved being around people from all walks of life.

Don became our client several years ago, wheeling through the neighborhood in his motorized wheelchair on his way to visit us. We noticed he often came in asking for nothing but a cup of coffee and some cookies (Don LOVED his cookies!). So one day, I told him he was welcome anytime, and he didn’t need to be there to receive services. After that, he became a regular every Tuesday and sometimes more often. We made him an official volunteer about a year and a half ago, complete with his own nametag, which he prized.

Every Tuesday morning I would arrive at Hope House to find Don sitting in his chair by the back door ramp, usually smoking one last cigarette before coming in to work. He then would join me inside to get everything ready for opening: setting out the full coffee carafes, putting the cookie basket on the desk, refilling any sugar, creamer, stirrers, etc. that needed it. He would then motor around putting things on the shelves for me as I sorted them.

When we opened our doors, Don was the official greeter, making sure everyone knew to sign in and to help themselves to coffee and cookies. He loved to sit and watch the children play; listen to the men talking and the mothers sharing resources. If it got too crowded and noisy, he would leave a little early, but usually Don was there for the morning—reveling in his “job”.

Don’s wife, Dianne, stopped by today to tell me about his death. She thanked us for offering him a place to feel useful and needed in his final days. She said he loved to come to Hope House, and loved the people he worked with there.

We loved him, too—rest with God, sweet man.